Excerpt from Creating Passionate Users:
No matter how enlightened and politically correct we’ve become, most people still tend to believe that when making decisions, men are less driven by emotions than women. Men use left-brained (metaphorically speaking) logical, rational thought. Men are persuaded to buy or act based on thinking, not feeling, while women do the opposite. You know, that whole Mars and Venus thing.
This wouldn’t be so bad if those left-brained characteristics weren’t seen as being more… virtuous.
Newsflash: emotions are sick and tired of being treated like second-class brain citizens! They’re taking back their rightful place in the world, thanks to the work of brave neuroscientists like Joseph LeDoux and Antonio Damsio (author of Descarte\’s Error). These two, and a handful of others, withstood the mocking of their peers (“Wait… let me get this straight…you’re basing your career on studying emotions [laughs hysterically, spits coffee out of nose]. That is hilarious! Oh, Antonio, you almost got me on that one… ha-ha