Tsunami Relief
Like so many others around the world, we at Google are following the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami that has hit many parts of Asia and east Africa. Below are a few sites already set up to provide information and handle donations for victims throughout the region. Our thoughts are with everyone who has been affected.
The UNICEF site was down when I tried it yesterday, but is working well now. The Red Cross via Amazon link takes you to a page that doesn’t do a very good job of explaining that Amazon IS waiving all the normal transaction fees that it would normally collect from such a payment. I did some research on that yesterday only to find out that it is splashed on the amazon.com… index page. Ooops. Unfortunately, I discovered this after I’d already abandoned the search and donated directly through the Red Cross page. I guess I consider the Amazon donation somehow representative of the ‘whole geek community’ in this…and it would have been nice to help bolster that showing. They’ve already collected more than 3 million dollars. I find that utterly amazing.
I gave blood yesterday, too. O-