Blatantly ripped without permission from anyone but it is entirely intact…
by Mysticalfruit (533341) Alter Relationship on 04-08-17 7:08 (#9990650)
(Last Journal: 03-11-13 10:12)
Basically, your correct.
Last time I checked we’re on the “IN-TER-NET”. You know that place that is practially a blackhole of all things immature.
If you were to map the internet like a galaxy, Slashdot would be tucked over in the corner next to the obscene jokes and well stuff involving well hung midgets and horny lonely housewives.
Microsoft could release a patch that just by installing would cure world hunger and shrink maligant tumors and the headline on Slashdot would be “Microsoft distrupts food distribution and healthcare systems worldwide!”
So, in short, if your looking for unbiased punctunal and definitative coverage of the every evolving internet, this is not the place.
If however, your looking for the diatribes of cynical, world weary geeks, who know the whole world is basically built on match sticks and is gleefully waiting for the day the whole place comes tumbling down, you’ve found it.
Yes Francis, the world has gone crazy.
*giggles* This made me cheer to see someone have the guts to say this.